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Mariana C. Broens ​(São Paulo State University - Brazil)

​​Adolfo M. Garcia ​(UdeSA, Argentina | USACH, Chile | UCSF, USA)

​​Sanford Goldberg(Northwestern University - USA)

​​Maria Eunice Q. Gonzalez ​(São Paulo State University - Brazil)

​​Simone Gozzano ​(University of L'Aquila - Italy)

Diana Perez ​(University of Buenos Aires - Argentina)

Ernesto Perini Santos ​(Federal University of Minas Gerais - Brazil)

Toni Gomila ​(University of the Balearic Islands - Spain)


​​Marco Aurélio S. Alves ​(Federal University of São João del-Rei)

​​Federico Boccaccini ​(University of Brasília)

Adriano Naves de Brito ​(Unisinos University)​​

Leonardo Lana de Carvalho ​(Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri)

Jonas Gonçalves Coelho ​(São Paulo State University)

Nara M. Figueiredo(University of Campinas)

André Leclerc ​(University of Brasília)

Daniel de Luca Noronha ​(Jesuit School of Philosophy and Theology)

Cesar Meurer ​(Federal University of ABC)

Pedro Henrique G. Muniz(State University of Ceará)

Felipe Carvalho ​(Federal University of Minas Gerais)

Raquel Krempel(Federal University of São Paulo)

Marcos Silva (Federal University of Pernambuco)

Carlos Mario Márquez Sosa(University of São Paulo)

Sofia A. Stein(Unisinos University)

Beatriz Sorrentino Marques ​(Federal University of Mato Grosso)​


This year the topic of this web conference is the role of second person in language, cognition, and action. The aim of the conference is to explore and clarify the second-person perspective in philosophy, broadly construed, within the conceptual framework offered by contemporary philosophy of mind. Recent research in this field as well as in psychology, psychiatry, and neurosciences has seen exponentially growing attention given to the issue of the second person in experience and knowledge. Naomi Eilan called this new trend in philosophy “the you turn”.

The first focus of debate concerns what a second-person view could be. Does it exist something like an experience from the second-person point of view?  What is the structure of this kind of experience? What is the importance of the second person experience in order to give an account of our own experience? What is the relation between the second-person and the first-person view?

A second focus concerns the place of the second person in language and cognition. How does second-person reference work in consciousness and thought? Finally, what kind of knowledge is the knowledge from the second-person view? Something between subjective and objective? Or something totally different?

The phenomenology, psychology, and conceptual analysis from a second-person point of view can be approached from many views and by several fields.

The Organizing Committee of the Tenth International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Mind invites philosophers and scientists to submit abstracts or panel proposals for our next meeting in Brasilia, which will be held from 8th to 10th of December. Proposals regarding the phenomenology of second person and the debate about the second-person view in the history of philosophy are welcome as well.

Scientific Committee

Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves (UFSJ); Federico Boccaccini (UnB); Mariana C. Broens (UNESP); Maria Eunice Q. Gonzalez (UNESP); André Leclerc (UnB – CNPq); André Joffily Abath (UFMG); Marco Antonio da Silva Filho (UFPE); Marcos Antonio Alves (UNESP); Beatriz Sorrento Marques (UFMT); Nara Miranda de Figueiredo (Unifesp); Tárik de Athayde Prata (UFPE); Gustavo Leal Toledo (UFSJ); Jonas Gonçalves Coelho (UNESP).

Organizing Committee

Marco Aurélio S. Alves (UFSJ); Federico Boccaccini (UnB); André Leclerc (UnB – CNPq); J. C. Rodrigues (UnB); G. da Silva (UnB); J. V. Faria e Nascimento (UnB).

Further information:





Wednesday, December 08
9 a.m. Opening table / Mesa de abertura - André Leclerc (UnB), Federico Boccaccini (UnB), Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves (UFSJ)
9:30 a.m. Keynote talk: Simone Gozzano (University of L’Aquila): “You are here: pain and its location”
11 a.m. Communication round table 1: Raphael Mourão do Nascimento (UFC), Aline Isabel Alves Andrade (UFSJ) e João César Ramos Francisco (UFSJ).
2 p.m. Panel 1: “The Plurality of Emotions in Social Cooperation”: Sofia A. Stein (Unisinos), Adriano Naves de Brito (Unisinos), Felipe Carvalho (UFMG)
3:45 p.m. Communication round table 2: Sâmara Araújo Costa (Universidade do Porto), Bruno Botelho Braga (UFMG) e Bruno de Miranda Moura (UFSJ)
5:30 p.m. Panel 2: “Enactivism and Cognition”: Marcus Silva (UFPE), Leonardo Lana de Carvalho (UFVJM), Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves (UFSJ)
7:15 p.m. Keynote Talk: Sanford Goldberg (Northwestern University): “Your attention please!”

Thursday, December 09
9:30 a.m. Keynote talk: Diana Perez (Universidad de Buenos Aires): “The Second Person”
11 a.m. Communication round table 3: Pedro Ramos Dolabela Chaga (UFPR), Anderson Fornato do Vale Fonseca (UFSJ) e Felipe Eleutério (UNESP)
2 p.m. Panel 3: “Cognition and Language: reflexions on meaning and form”: Nara M. Figueiredo (Unicamp), Raquel Krempel (Unifesp), César Meurer (UFABC)
3:45 p.m. Communication round table 4: Juliana de Orione Arraes Fagundes (UESC), Maria Luiza Iennaco de Vasconcelos (USP), Thales Moreira Maia Silva (UFJF) e Camila da Cruz Silva (PUC-PR)
5:30 p.m. Panel 4: “First- and Second-Person Singular and Plural”: Ludovic Soutif (PUC-Rio, CNPq), Carlos Mario Márquez Sosa (USP, FAPESP), Pedro Henrique Gomes Muniz (UECE)
8 p.m.
Keynote talk: Adolfo Garcia (Laboratorio de Psicologia Experimental y Neurociencias, LPEN/ Argentina): “First and third-person paradigms for second-person disorders: Neurocognitive approaches to behavioral neurology.”

Friday, December 10
9:30 a.m. Keynote talk: Ernesto Perini Santos (UFMG): “Thinking about (and beyond) ‘you’”
11 a.m. Panel 5: “Consciousness, Empathy, and the Second Person”: Jonas Gonçalves Coelho (UNESP-Bauru) e Daniel de Luca (FAJE)
2 p.m. Panel 6: “Intentionality and the Second-Person”. Federico Boccaccini (UnB), André Leclerc (UnB/CNPq), Beatriz Sorrentino (UFMT)
3:45 p.m. Communication round table 5: Francisco Hélio Cavalcante Fé (UNB) e José Carlos Camillo Castro Neto (UFG)
5 p.m. Keynote talk: Antoni Gomila (Universitat de les Illes Balears): “Realizing Who I Am”
6:30 p.m. Keynote talks: Maria Eunice Q. Gonzalez (UNESP-Marilia) & Mariana C. Broens (UNESP-Marilia): “A perspectiva de Segunda Pessoa na era dos Big Data / A perspectiva de Segunda Pessoa na era das relações interpessoais mediadas pelas TIC”
8 p.m. Closing session


Register through the link below to have access to the web conference. 

Web Conference
December 8-10, 2021



​First International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Internalism versus Externalism

Marília - SP, 1999

Second International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

João Pessoa - PB, 2000

Third International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Mental causation

João Pessoa - PB, 2002

Fourth International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Language and thought

João Pessoa - PB, 2005

Fifth International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Physicalism and its Critics

João Pessoa - PB, 2009

Sixth International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Intentionality and Consciousness

Fortaleza - CE, 2011

Seventh International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Information, Complexity and Action

Marília - SP, 2013

Eighth International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Free Will and Moral Agency

Belo Horizonte - MG, 2016

Ninth International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

São João del-Rei - MG, 2017

Tenth International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

The Second Person

Brasilia - DF, 2020


I Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

Internalismo versus externalismo

Marília - SP, 1999

II Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

João Pessoa - PB, 2000

III Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

Causação mental

João Pessoa - PB, 2002

IV Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

Linguagem e pensamento

João Pessoa - PB, 2005

V Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

O fisicalismo e seus críticos

João Pessoa - PB, 2009

VI Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

Intencionalidade e consciência

Fortaleza - CE, 2011

VII Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

Informação, complexidade e ação

Marília - SP, 2013

VIII Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

Livre-arbítrio e agência moral

Belo Horizonte - MG, 2016

IX Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

São João del-Rei - MG, 2017

X Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

A segunda pessoa

Brasília - DF, 2020



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