Neuroscience and Philosophy of Language: An Interaction
Francisco Hélio Cavalcante Félix
University of Brasilia
The present communication intends to examine how new findings on neuroscience regarding language processing and its neural pathways may enhance the discussion about certain theories on philosophy of language related to meaning. Kripke's non-mentalist theoretical framework seems to fit well with the findings on language processing in early childhood, during the construction of a semantic apparatus. Once this apparatus is stabilized, Grice's mentalist theoretical framework seems to gain relevance. Science is not proof nor refutation of mentalist or non-mentalist positions on meaning. In fact, findings on neurolinguistics indicate that each of these theoretical approaches to philosophy of language has its merits and seems to be able to better describe certain configurations of reality.
How can episodic memory be singular about events
José Carlos Camillo Castro Neto
Federal University of Goiás
This communication will attempt to answer the question of how episodic memories can be singular about events. To do so, it will be present the conditions for a singular thought. Then, it will be discussed how events can be thought of as singular. Thereafter, some problems that came from neuroscientific findings will be presented as difficulties for considering episodic memory as singular. Finally, a solution to the problems posed will be proposed. This solution can be a way for episodic memory to be singular about events. The proposal defended here comes from a metacognitive/metarepresentational account of episodic memory.