Mind Brazil
David Chalmers

Mind Brazil Workshop 2018:
David Chalmers
The Mind Brazil International Workshop aims at establishing itself as a regular biannual top international event in philosophy of mind in Brazil. Each edition pays homage to an outstanding international keynote speaker who is invited to discuss her or his work with a handful of distinguished international debaters and a selected group of Brazilian researchers in the field. The event is designed to promote in depth and high quality philosophical debates about the work of the invited keynote speakers.
At its first edition, Mind Brazil is proud to announce the Australian philosopher David Chalmers as its keynote speaker. Together with a selected group of international and Brazilian peers, Prof. Chalmers will discuss his polemical and worldwide debated philosophical work.
The event is hosted by the Mind research group at the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), Brazil.

Keynote speaker

David Chalmers
Professor of Philosophy
New York University, USA / Australian National University, Australia
Ph.D. at Indiana University (1993)
Guest speakers

Barry Loewer
Rutgers University at New Brunswick, USA
Ph.D. at Stanford University (1975)

Célia Cristina Teixeira
Assistant Professor
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ph.D. at King's College London (2009)

David Yates
University of Lisbon
Ph.D. at King´s College London (2006)

Gabriel Mograbi
Associate Professor
Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil
Ph.D. at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2008)

Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves
Assistant Professor
Federal University of São João del-Rei, Brazil
Ph.D at the University of Texas at Austin (2014)

Sofia Stein
Associate Professor
Unisinos, Brazil
Ph.D at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1996)
Bryan Pickel
University of Edinburgh, UK
Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin (2010)

Cláudia Passos-Ferreira
Visiting Scholar
New York University - Center for Bioethics
Ph.D. at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2017)

Francisco Pereira
Associate Professor
Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile
Ph.D. at King´s College London (2006)

Katalin Balog
Associate Professor
Rutgers University at Newark, USA
Ph.D. at Rutgers University (1998)

Rodrigo A. dos S. Gouvea
Assistant Professor
Federal University of São João del-Rei, Brazil
Faculty Member at PPGF/UFRJ
Ph.D. at Universität Leipzig (2014)

Wilson Mendonça
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ph.D at Universität Konstanz (1986)


Call for papers / Registration

Call for papers
We call for papers on any topic related to the work of David Chalmers. Submissions must include abstract (no more than 2,000 characters, including spaces) and a short vita (including at least the author's name, affiliations, and academic formation). They must be sent in pdf format to the following email: mindbrazilworkshop@gmail.com. Submissions must be written in English, and the oral presentations should be delivered in English. Each submission will be evaluated by three reviewers. The selected papers will be confirmed upon payment of the communication fee. Each selected paper will have 20 minutes for oral presentation in shared communication roundtables.
Submission deadline: July 25, 2018
Announcement of selected papers: July 30, 2018
Deadline for payment of communication fee and confirmation: August 4, 2018
Communication fee: BR$ 100,00
Payments must be done by bank transfer, and the bank receipt must be sent by email (mindbrazilworkshop@gmail.com), with the exception of international participants, who can pay in cash at the event.
Bank account:
Fundação de Apoio à UFSJ (CNPJ 05.418.239/0001-08)
Banco do Brasil
ag. 0162-7
c.c. 77.489-8
General public interested in attending the event and receving an official certificate of attendance should send an email (mindbrazilworkshop@gmail.com) with name and affiliation. Registrations will be confirmed upon payment of the attendance fee, in the value of BR$ 50,00. Payments must be done by bank transfer to the bank account above, and the bank receipt should be sent by email in order to confirm registration. Registrations will be accepted until the beginning of the event on August 21, or until we have reached the limit of 120 people.
ATTENTION: Please register in advance to guarantee your spot at the event, even if you are not interested in having an official certtificate. The venue has limited seats and the demand turned out to be bigger than expected.
We call for papers on any topic related to the work of David Chalmers.
Submissions must include abstract (no more than 2,000 characters, including spaces) and a short vita (including at least the author's name, affiliations, and academic formation). They must be sent in pdf format to the following email: mindbrazilworkshop@gmail.com
Submissions must be written in English, and the oral presentations should be delivered in English.
Each submission will be evaluated by three reviewers. The selected papers will be confirmed upon payment of the communication fee. Each selected paper will have 20 minutes for oral presentation in shared communication roundtables.
Submission deadline: July 25, 2018
Announcement of selected papers: July 30, 2018
Deadline for payment of communication fee and confirmation: August 4, 2018
Communication fee: BR$ 100,00
Payments must be done by bank transfer, and the bank receipt must be sent by email (mindbrazilworkshop@gmail.com), with the exception of international participants, who can pay in cash at the event.
Bank account:
Fundação de Apoio à UFSJ (CNPJ 05.418.239/0001-08)
Banco do Brasil
ag. 0162-7
c.c. 77.489-8
General public interested in attending the event and receving an official certificate of attendance should send an email (mindbrazilworkshop@gmail.com) until the beginning of the event on August 21. Registrations will be confirmed upon payment of the attendance fee, in the value of BR$ 50,00. Payments must be done by bank transfer to the bank account above, and the bank receipt should be sent by email in order to confirm registration.
The venue

Tiradentes is a lovely historic town embedded in the mountains of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. It is a 5 hours-drive from Rio de Janeiro, and a 3 hours-drive from Belo Horizonte.
Yves Alves Cultural Center is located right at the heart of Tiradentes, on its most charming street and close to hotels, restaurants and stores.
Centro Cultural Yves Alves
Rua Direita, 168 - Centro
Tiradentes - MG
As there are no direct long-distance buses to Tiradentes, visitors must travel to São João del-Rei first, and from the bus station (rodoviaria) connect with one of the 11 buses a day that cover the 14km (8 1/2 miles) to Tiradentes in 20 minutes. Regular buses connect São João del-Rei to Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro. The Viação Sandra line runs seven buses a day to Belo Horizonte. Paraibuna line runs at least three buses a day to Rio. The Vale do Ouro line has five buses a day to São Paulo, and one bus leaves for Ouro Preto every day at 5:30pm.
In a pinch one can always take a taxi from São João del-Rei, for about BR$ 50.
For taxi service contact tel. +55 (32) 3355-1466 or +55 (32) 3355-1100. The Tiradentes Rodoviaria is within walking distance of most hotels and lodges.
Visitor Information: the tourist office in Tiradentes is at Largo das Forras, 71 (tel. +55 (32) 3355-1212) and opens daily from 9am to 5:30pm.
A organização do evento disponibilizará uma van para o trajeto de Belo Horizonte para Tiradentes (ida e volta), um microônibus para o trajeto do Rio de Janeiro para Tiradentes (ida e volta), e vans diárias, durante todos os dias do evento, entre São João del-Rei e Tiradentes. São vagas limitadas, e atenderemos aos pedidos em ordem de chegada. Os interessados devem enviar nome completo, CPF e telefone celular para o email mindbrazilworkshop@gmail.com, informado os trajetos desejados e os locais de embarque. Segue abaixo o detalhamento de todos os percursos disponíveis:
Van Belo Horizonte - Tiradentes
Ida: segunda-feira (20/08) - saída do Aeroporto de Confins (Rodovia MG 10, Km 39, Confins-MG – na área de embarque e desembarque do estacionamento P2, em frente ao terminal 1), às 16:30; parada na portaria principal da UFMG (Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627, Belo Horizonte-MG) às 17:00; chegada no Centro Cultural Yves Alves (Rua Direita, 168, Tiradentes-MG) prevista para 19:20.
Volta: sexta-feira (24/08) - saída do Centro Cultural Yves Alves (Rua Direita, 168, Tiradentes-MG) às 10:30; parada na portaria principal da UFMG (Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627, Belo Horizonte-MG) prevista para 13:30; chegada no Aeroporto de Confins (Rodovia MG 10, Km 39, Confins-MG – na área de embarque e desembarque do estacionamento P2, em frente ao terminal 1) prevista para 14:10.
Microônibus Rio de Janeiro - Tiradentes
Ida: segunda-feira (20/08) - saída às 10:00 do Hotel Grand Hyatt na Barra da Tijuca (Av. Lúcio Costa, 9600 - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22795-007), parada no Hotel Windsor Flórida no Catete (R. Ferreira Viana, 81 - Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22210-040), parada no aeroporto Galeão ná área de desembarque. Depois segue para o Centro Cultural Yves Alves, em Tiradentes-MG.
Volta: sexta-feira (24/08) - saída às 10:30 do Centro Cultural Yves Alves, Tiradentes-MG; parada no Aeroporto Galeão; parada no Aeroporto Santos Dummont; destino final em um ponto a ser definido na zona sul do Rio de Janeiro, provavelmente em Botafogo.
Van São João del-Rei - Tiradentes
Terça-feira (21/08): saída do Campus Bom Bosco (Praça Dom Helvécio, 74, São João del-Rei-MG) às 09:00; chegada no Centro Cultural Yves-Alves (Rua Direita, 168, Tiradentes-MG) às 09:30.
Terça-feira (21/08): saída do Centro Cultural Yves-Alves (Rua Direita, 168, Tiradentes-MG) às 20:00; chegada no Campus Bom Bosco (Praça Dom Helvécio, 74, São João del-Rei-MG) às 20:30.
Quarta-feira (22/08): saída do Campus Bom Bosco (Praça Dom Helvécio, 74, São João del-Rei-MG) às 08:20; chegada no Centro Cultural Yves-Alves (Rua Direita, 168, Tiradentes-MG) às 08:50.
Quarta-feira (22/08): saída do Centro Cultural Yves-Alves (Rua Direita, 168, Tiradentes-MG) às 20:00; chegada no Campus Bom Bosco (Praça Dom Helvécio, 74, São João del-Rei-MG) às 20:30.
Quinta-feira (23/08): saída do Campus Bom Bosco (Praça Dom Helvécio, 74, São João del-Rei-MG) às 09:40; chegada no Centro Cultural Yves-Alves (Rua Direita, 168, Tiradentes-MG) às 10:10.
Quinta-feira (23/08): saída do Centro Cultural Yves-Alves (Rua Direita, 168, Tiradentes-MG) às 20:30; chegada no Campus Bom Bosco (Praça Dom Helvécio, 74, São João del-Rei-MG) às 21:00.
(Informações adicionais em português)

Contact and sponsors

Gustavo Leal Toledo (DFIME/UFSJ)
Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves (DTECH/UFSJ)
Rodrigo A. dos S. Gouvea (DFIME/UFSJ, PPGF/UFRJ)
GENERAL EMAIL: mindbrazilworkshop@gmail.com